Offering Hope

Last week, I wrote about dashed dreams (click here if you missed it.) Thank you for the positive response. I just finished my first round with a physical therapist. The journey to get to physical therapy wasn’t encouraging; I arrived at the office with little or no hope. I didn’t know what to expect. I had many questions, the first being when can I run again? Unfortunately, the doctor couldn’t give me a definitive answer. Dang it!

But as I met with my physical therapist, Michael, he asked me about my injury. I told him my dream to run 1,000 miles in a year. He told me I was CRAZY and I knew right then, we’d be fast friends. But what Michael said next touched me to the core.

“Let’s get you running again.”

I nearly burst into tears right there. You see, Michael took it upon himself to offer me hope, THE FIRST MEDICAL PERSON IN SEVEN MONTHS TO DO SO! In that moment, hope grabbed me.


Look at that smile! How can you not be hopeful working with a smile like that?

Michael’s statement impacted me deeply.  Why? Because when most of my hope was gone, someone came alongside and offered hope. It healed a place in me that felt worthless. Up ’til that point, I honestly felt so alone.  When he said that statement, I felt encouraged;  seen, not-so -alone. I felt maybe, just maybe, I’ll run again.

Michael’s statement also challenged me. How can I do this for others? It meant the world to me and I haven’t forgotten his kindness. Can I come alongside others in the same way? Lord, let me be an injection of hope for those in need.

Michael, if you are reading this, thank you for offering me hope. 

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