52 Weeks in My City

1/52 Art District, Los Angeles

I’ve decided to do a weekly photography project this year. I felt inspired by many friends who have taken on 365’s or other photography projects. I thought about what I love. I love street photography, I love capturing people candidly and I love being in my city. 

Bean and I were in one of our favorite parts of Los Angeles, the Arts District. It’s a trendy, hipster part of town and yet has many homeless people as well. As I was setting up this shot, a hipster came by and told me I better take lots of photos because the art (particularly street art) on this wall was going away. I felt sad about this. In the Art District, the street art does change often and I love seeing it change. Going away all together is quite another thing. 

As we were shooting in this area, I came across a man named Israel. We got to talking and he began to tell me his story. Bean and I don’t just want to shoot in LA and then go home. We want to be a blessing to our city. We want to be a blessing to the people in our city however we can. Israel’s story broke my heart because he has Type 1 diabetes and is currently living on the streets. I was so blessed to meet Israel and I am praying for him daily. 

Selfie with Israel

I am excited about this project and invite you to journey along with me through Los Angeles. 

2 thoughts on “52 Weeks in My City

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